신라호텔 앱에서 신라리워즈 회원만을 위한 특별한 혜택을 누리세요.
You can receive various kinds of Shilla Rewards membership information and service benefits.
신라스테이 창립 10주년을 맞아, 특별한 패키지를 선보입니다. 매일 오후 8시, 객실 1박 무료 주인공을 기다립니다.
10번째 생일을 함께 축하하고 신라스테이가 준비한 럭키드로우 행운을 잡으세요!
회원전용상품 예약 시 패키지 추가 할인 혜택을 제공합니다.
* 추가 할인 혜택은 하단 링크를 통한 온라인 예약 시에만 제공됩니다.
(현재 페이지 또는 전화 예약 시 적립 및 할인 불가)
Busy seasons (May, Jul., Aug., Oct., Dec. 24 and Dec. 31) - Cancellations will be accepted without penalty until 7 days before the scheduled check-in date. - Cancellations or changes made no later than 18:00, 2-6 days before the scheduled check-in date are subject to a penalty charge equal to 20% of the first-night’s room rate. - No-shows or cancellations/changes made after the time limit above are subject to a penalty charge equal to 80% of the first-night’s room rate.
Off-seasons (off-peak periods) - Cancellations will be accepted without penalty until 18:00 on the day before the scheduled check-in date. - No-shows or cancellations/changes made after the time limit above are subject to a penalty charge equal to 10% of the first-night’s room rate.
* For online reservations through the Shilla Stay homepage, only reservations made after 7 days of check-in can be canceled or changed online. * In case of cancellations or changes within 7 days before the scheduled check-in, please contact to the Shilla Stay Reservation office (+82-2-2230-0701).
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